Explore our extensive range of vaporizers, designed with cutting-edge technology to provide a cleaner, more efficient smoking experience, available for wholesale purchase. Our vaporizers are perfect for those who prefer a modern, less harsh method of consuming herbs. Made from high-quality materials, they ensure durability, ease of use, and consistent performance. Ideal for wholesale buyers and distributors looking to supply their customers with advanced smoking solutions. Whether you’re looking to buy vaporizers in bulk or seeking a reliable distributor, our selection includes a variety of styles and functionalities to meet the needs of diverse consumer preferences. Opt for our wholesale vaporizers and offer your customers the pinnacle of convenience and quality in herbal consumption.
Pulsar Sipper Dual Use Vaporiser Bubbler
- Pulsar Sipper base
- Borosilicate glass bubbler cup
- Airflow valve
- Atomiser/cartridge cover
- Wax atomiser w/ triple quartz coil
- 510 connection
- Stainless steel dab tool/poker
- USB-C charging cable
- Download the manual here
Vaporiser forĀ oil and wax/concentrate
LINX Ares Honey Straw Vaporiser
- Battery: Lithium-ion battery recharges in 2 - 3 hours vis USB. 750 mAH.
- Atomiser: Coil-less ceramic rod atomiser.
- Heating element: Ceramic rod heats up instantly.
- Material: Ceramic rod, stainless steel and signature glass mouthpiece.
- Dimension: Ćø15mm x 165mm
- Weight: 74g
- Voltage: Input 5v
Vaporiser for BHO